Best 10 Herbs and Supplements that Truly Care for Diabetics

Although diabetes has become a common condition, it demands strict dietary control and lifestyle changes to maintain the insulin and blood sugar levels in the body. While diabetics benefit from medicinal formulations and therapies, it is also of great benefit to supplement one’s diet with essential nutritional elements that may lack due to dietary control.

Following are the best 10 herbs and supplements that diabetics may rely on:

  1. Gymnema Sylvestre: This herb is termed by some as sugar destroyer, though it should be consumed only after consultation with a doctor, just like any other herb mentioned here. Its leaf extract is very helpful in increasing insulin levels and lowering blood sugar levels significantly.
  2. Ginger: While ginger is great for the body’s inflammatory and digestive problems, it is also observed to be effective in controlling sugar levels in diabetics. Fresh ginger root can be added to food or it can be had as ginger ale or capsule supplement.
  3. Protein and magnesium: The deficiency of these macronutrients can worsen diabetes over time. The readily consumable supplements, such as Protinex Diabetes or Protinex Sugar-Free, can nourish one’s body with the right amounts of these critical dietary elements.
  4. Aloe vera: With its antioxidant effects, aloe vera is found by researchers to be protective of pancreatic beta cells that cause the production of insulin in the body. Diabetics can avail its benefits by adding its pulp to their juice drinks or having aloe vera capsule supplements.
  5. Green tea: It contains antioxidants called polyphenols that are not only good for heart health but also improve insulin activity and control glucose.
  6. American ginseng: A small amount of American ginseng can work wonders for those suffering from diabetes. It not only reduces post-meal sugar levels but also the fasting sugar levels when taken regularly before breakfast or a meal.
  7. Vitamins B1 and D: Deficiency of Vitamin B1 and D is commonly observed in diabetics. This further leads to disease-related complications like blood vessel damage or heart problems. To prevent this from occurring, diabetics may go for vitamin supplements suggested by their doctor. A calculated amount of vitamins B1 and D may be found in natural protein supplement foods.
  8. Bitter melon: A lot of research has been done on the benefits of bitter melon. While the data for humans is limited, bitter melon is popularly used to control diabetes conditions by people in several countries.
  9. Cinnamon: It is a wonderful spice for diabetics who may benefit from its effects to reduce fasting sugar levels, bad cholesterol, and triglycerides in the blood. Cinnamon is also great for increasing insulin sensitivity, an important marker for diabetics.
  10. Fenugreek: Frequently used in Indian cooking, fenugreek has an amino acid that improves insulin release. For diabetics, it is also helpful in cutting down cholesterol and blood sugar.

With the use of a few common herbs and supplements, diabetics can lead a healthier life with fewer or no complications.

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